So let me paint a picture for you: You are obsessed with photography and want to do it professionally, but while passion is necessary, it is not the only ingredient for success. You are hesitant to pursue this passion because your fear is, “What do I know about running a business?”
With CRM software, you no longer have to freestyle the administrative aspect of your business. So, say goodbye to using reminders on your phone with sticky notes, journals, or to-do list apps to keep track of appointments, payments, shoots, or emails. Not that these are unhelpful, but they are time-consuming and not the ideal long-term solution.
Customer relationship management software lets you focus on your photography while efficiently handling all the mundane tasks that come with the territory. They are straightforward to set up, and once you are done, most of your work is automated.
Studio Ninja is one of the most popular software for photographers who are trying to go professional and bring order to their business without spending a fortune, and here’s why:
It’s user-friendly
Studio Ninja is praised because of how user-friendly it is. No one wants software that will take them a week of ‘try and error’ before they get the hang of it because who really has the time? It is pretty easy to set up, and within no time, you will learn how to navigate all its unique features and automate your workflow.
It is your virtual personal assistant
Sometimes, wedding photography may not be your only business. You might have another part-time hustle, so it is easy to forget about appointments or shoots. Studio Ninja is your own personal assistant; everything is automated. You are automatically updated about all your upcoming appointments, meetings, and pending payments from customers.
With Studio Ninja, you can automatically track your progress with different projects. It also has a feature that lets you know what stage you are at with other your clients. For example, if their payment is pending, if your work with them is pending or finished, it knows.
Forget about running up and down because you did not know you scheduled two shoots on the same day. Studio Ninja will bring the much-needed order to your business.
Studio Ninja is your personal finance manager
With Studio Ninja, payment is a frictionless and easy process. Your payment records are stored, and your money is deposited directly into your account. You can also automatically set up schedules for your payments from your clients, and these can be automatically sent to them through emails.
It tracks your growth
Your business is like your baby, and you want to watch it grow. This software tracks your leads, sales, and payments to know at what pace your business is growing. Ordinarily, if you want to know how your business is doing, you would have to hire the services of a financial advisor, and honestly, in business, we are trying to spend as little as possible. This added perk will let you know if you are growing or not, and then you can find ways to boost your productivity, visibility, and revenue.
Your data is securely and properly stored
With trusted cloud-based storage system that you can conveniently access from anywhere. It also lets you keep a directory of your clients. This will come in handy when you are trying to build a loyal customer case. For example, suppose you want to create a weekly or monthly newsletter and make a list of your potential readers. You can use this directory of your clients as a starting point.
It lets you craft your image
Studio Ninja allows you to brand your invoices, contracts, and documents so your clients feel they are dealing directly with you. Even if this technology is an intermediary between you and your clients, your client does not have to get wind of it. Studio Ninja enables you to creatively develop your own logo, colour themes, and public image for your business.
Send automated questionnaires to clients
It also has a feature that enables you to send questionnaires to your clients too! You can curate questionnaires for your clients can fill out so you are well prepared for your booking! Your clients will be more honest when filling out the questionnaires in their own time with already typed questions. It is also great for business because clients want to feel cared for and valued.
Effective questionnaires also give couples a personalised experiences AND iron out the finer logistical details, as well as other stuff you might not even realise you need – like family members’ names! Because it’s all fun and games until you accidentally call the bride’s mother ‘Alice’…no, uh, ‘Annie’! Sorry Annie! Oh, it’s ‘Sarah’? I’ll just leave.
Studio Ninja will help you out with your solo wedding photography business if you do not know where to start profiting off your craft.
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